Bridging the Gaping Divide With Pain Self-management Tools

Most migraineurs are aware that the medical fraternity has yet not arrived at the cause of migraines. We know of triggers and the way the pain unfolds or what happens inside of the brain hours before, during and after a migraine episode but are still clueless about what causes migraines and why or how the pain stops.

Though a good number of migraineurs do consult a ‘migraine specialist’ or a ‘headache specialist’ after enduring the onslaught of merciless pain years after they first experienced their episodes, they often take back selective important tips back from the doctor’s office. A relatively new program called developed by Inflexxion now offers many tools to the migraineur that can help them manage their symptoms better when they are out of the doctor’s office and back into their lives.

Better Pain Management With Online Self-help Application (1)

This free and non-promotional program is available online and is believed to be especially beneficial to those who are chronic migraineurs. The tool was studied by researchers at Inflexxion using 185 participants to test the clinical efficacy of this web-based program. The program uses various symptom-based management techniques and offers a wide range of tips on relaxation and on getting support groups, doing daily activities to do etc.

It was observed that those who used the program reported better stress and pain management skills, were more confident in their ability to handle an episode. The study as well as it’s findings were reported in the medical journal The Journal of Head and Face Pain, titled ‘A Randomized Trial of a Web-based Intervention to Improve Migraine Self-Management and Coping’. (2)

According to the lead author and researcher, Jonas Bromberg, PsyD, Director of Health Communications and Senior Research Scientist at Inflexxion, “Self-management training should help patients learn how to identify, avoid, and manage headache triggers, and learn to perform other essential prevention, management, and coping behaviors. The integration of behavioral support in the medical care of migraine is essential in helping people with migraine to manage their condition more effectively, safely manage their prescription pain medications, avoid disease progression, and reduce the high cost of migraine and migraine-related disability to individuals and society.” (3)

This free online program is particularly beneficial to those who live and work in areas which do not have easy or ready access to neurologists, mental health support services or behavioural experts.


  1. Image by Jeroen van Oostrom;; February 2012;
  2. Technical report of the study may be accessed at: A Randomized Trial of a Web-Based Intervention to Improve Migraine Self-Management and Coping; Wiley Online Library; February 2012;
  3. Migraine Self-Management Improved And Migraine-Related Psychological Distress Reduced By; Medi Lexicon News; February 2012;

The web-based program may be accessed through this link:

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